The Windup Girl by Paolo Bacigalupi

Fantastic read! The vision of the future Paolo Bacigalupi has with regards to the world food sources is believable. The upheavals of politics and the use of gene mutations with food sources that in turns bites us all in the butt are outstanding. This piece of science fiction could very well be a looking glass into the worlds own future. His characters are rich in their hate, fear, and motivations. I will be looking forward to reading many more of Paolo Bacigalupi’s work.

[bookcover:The Windup Girl|6597651] [book:The Windup Girl|6597651]

Destined a noval of the Tarot byGail Cleare

Sorry I just could not finish this. Great idea and foundation, but the poor editing if there was editing even done killed it. This story turned into long scattered thoughts like one would find in a daily journal. I have no problem with a personal journal type story, however the sentences are not smooth and do not flow every well. However, I do like the idea and the foundation of the story this author started out with she just did not continue along the original lines. I gave it a 2 just for the idea but that is all there is in this book for me.

Blood Possession the third book in the Blood Curse Series by Tessa Dawn

Blood Possession the third book in the Blood Curse Series by Tessa Dawn is just as entertaining as the first two. This is a different kind of vampire story with a different take on the whole legend thing. It is a wonderful quick read with teasers at the end so you can’t wait for the book. There is violence, no major foul language, and the sex is light core.


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The Cold Dish a Walt Longmire mystery by Craig Johnson

Fantastic read! This is the series that A&E’s Longmire is adapted from, and I can understand why. You can read these books and not have any spoilers for the show. Great story; with lots of interesting caricatures that suck you into their world. It is a mystery and modern day western all rolled into one book. There is some strong language, mild to medium violence, no heavy sex, lots of mystery, colorful caricatures, and vivid landscape descriptions.